This small prototyping shield can be plugged on top of the Arduino Uno and Mega. It has a grid of..
Rp. 149,000
Atmel's ATMega328 8-Bit Processor in 28 pin DIP package. It's like the ATmega168, with double the..
Rp. 59,000
This is a basic 16 character by 2 line display with White text on Blue background. Utilizes the e..
Rp. 49,000
This is a basic 20 character by 4 line display with White text on Blue background. Utilizes the e..
Rp. 139,000
This is a small 12mm round buzzer that operates around the audible 2kHz range. Use buzzers to cre..
Rp. 3,500
This is a very common 22pF capacitor. Used with crystals for loading purposes. 0.1" spaced leads ..
Rp. 100
The CAT24C32 is a 32Kb CMOS Serial EEPROM devices, internally organized as 4096 word..
Rp. 8,900
Standard frequency crystals - use these crystals to provide a clock input to your microprocessor...
Rp. 3,500
DC power jack/connector. This is a common barrel-type power jack for DC wall supplies. These are ..
Rp. 2,000
This is a DC-DC Step Down converter power module from 12V to 5V, capable of driving a load up to ..
Rp. 59,000
Dip sockets for all your prototyping needs. If you've ever had to de-solder a dip part from..
Rp. 1,500
This is the 125KHz RFID card with EM4100 standard protocol. Compatible with the RFID Re..
Rp. 11,000