This very long force sensitive resistor - over 2 feet - has a sensing area of 0.25x24". This FSR ..
Rp. 319,000
This is a small force sensitive resistor. It has a 0.16" (4 mm) diameter active sensing area. Thi..
Rp. 99,000
This is a force sensitive resistor with a square, 1.75x1.5", sensing area. This FSR will vary its..
Rp. 159,000
Water flow sensor consists of a plastic valve body, a water rotor, and a hall-effect sensor. When..
Rp. 239,000
The MQ-5 is used in gas leakage detecting equipment in consumer and industry applicatio..
Rp. 42,500
The u-blox NEO-6M is a GPS module with -162dBm tracking sensitivity and only 27 second cold start..
Rp. 379,000
GPS receivers can be easily found in daily life, such as smartphones, cars, and tablets. They are..
Rp. 649,000
If you want to start playing with sensors, this kit will be the perfect choice for you to get sta..
Rp. 1,399,000
A soil moisture sensor can read the amount of moisture present in the soil surrounding it. It's a..
Rp. 79,000
The microwave sensor applies the Doppler effect to detect moving objects using microwaves. This d..
Rp. 249,000
The Grove-125KHz RFID Reader is a module used to read uem4100 RFID card information with two outp..
Rp. 199,000
This module is based on the I2C light-to-digital converter TSL2561 to transform light intensity t..
Rp. 139,000