The original Adafruit Motorshield kit is one of our most beloved kits, which is why we decided to..
Rp. 409,000
This is the DFRduino Uno V2.0 from DFRobot. It is fully compatible with Arduino UNO ..
Rp. 229,000
The Arduino SideKick Basic Kit is designed to be used with your Arduino. It contains everything n..
Rp. 289,000
Seeeduino Ethernet is a compact and multifunctional development platform, which merges data loggi..
Rp. 1,049,000
Need range? 2.4GHz Large Duck Antenna 5dBi with Reverse Polarized - SMA RF connector. Perfect for..
Rp. 129,000
The ZM 0.3 Megapixel serial JPEG still camera module has a compact size, low power comsuption, an..
Rp. 669,000
Xbee radios are an awesome way to add wireless capability to your Arduino project and now it's ev..
Rp. 259,000
XBee Carrier is a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) base board designed for Bee series and groves. It..
Rp. 199,000
SOMO-14D adalah modul Audio-Sound yang kecil dan dapat memainkan file audio yang sud..
Rp. 0
This is a 10-pin header with 2mm pitch that mates with our XBee socket. It can be used for making..
Rp. 8,000
The uCAM (microCAM) is a highly integrated serial camera module which can be attache..
Rp. 0
DHT22 is a compound digital temperature and humidity sensor which outputs calibrated digital sign..
Rp. 179,000